Hello, this is (Dun-Ming) Brandon Huang

I am a (Taiwanese) undergraduate at U.C. Berkeley graduating Spring 2025, I double major in Cognitive Science and Computer Science.

Research. My research involves both disciplines of cognitive science and deep learning. Under a guest affiliation at Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Computational Audition Group, I have conducted (1) cross-cultural research on alignment of psycholinguistic modalities like conversation tone, (2) translation operations via the lens of iterated learning, and (3) human-based sampling methods to produce population-representative samples. Meanwhile, as an undergraduate researcher at Robot Learning Lab, I participate in deep learning research (unsupervised, reinforcement), with a prior research focus on enabling agents with complex action spaces, such as humanoid robots, to perform various manipulation tasks or enact with further agent-intrinsic information. Eventually, I aim to look at the question of “What helps high-DoF robots learn complex manipulation in environments of our daily lives, including human-involving settings?”

A full list of my publications can be seen from my Google Scholars profile, at the left sidebar of my website, as well as from my CV, on the top-bar of this website.

Teaching. As a member of Berkeley’s CS undergraduate community, I also lead educational initiatives. Some highlighted experiences follow. I am a TA (UCS2) for DATA C100 since Fall 2023. I have also been a coordinator for an educational student organization on campus, Computer Science Mentors, where I co-lead a 30+ people branch of this tutoring organization— to have served over 200 students for those two semesters. I have also written some pedagogical content and personal notes for public use.

Otherwise. For more information regarding my undergraduate career (course projects, coursework taken, artifacts), you may browse the tabs above my homepage.