
List of Courses as an Undergraduate

This page hosts a list of courseworks I have currently taken as an undergraduate. I didn’t take a crazy technical-centered schedule, but it isn’t necessarily only a disadvantage.

SemesterCourse NameObtained GradeNotes(/Excuses/Short Review)
Fall 2021COMPSCI 61AA 
Fall 2021DATA C8A 
Fall 2021EECS 16AAI became a course coordinator for this course eventually.
Fall 2021English R1AA 
Spring 2022COMPSCI 61BA 
Spring 2022MATH 53A+Highly recommend this semester’s professor.
Spring 2022EECS 16BA 
Spring 2022ENGLISH R1BA 
Fall 2022COMPSCI 70A+This was over strike.
Fall 2022COMPSCI 375A 
Fall 2022DATA C100A+I am currently TAing this class!
Fall 2022COGSCI 1BA+ 
Spring 2023EECS 127A+ (PR >= 98)We have made a course project here (see CV)
Spring 2023COMPSCI 189A+ 
Spring 2023MCB C61A-No excuse…
Spring 2023LING 100A+ 
Fall 2023COMPSCI 285AWe have written a project for this course (see CV)
Fall 2023COGSCI C100A 
Fall 2023ISF 100APIS requirement for undergraduates, P/NP’d for throughput conservation.
Spring 2024EECS 126A+Content-wise, most fun class I’ve taken, but they removed a lot of contents too :’)
Spring 2024COGSCI 132A+ 
Spring 2024INFO 103AAdmin-wise, best class I’ve taken (paralleled by DATA C100).
Spring 2024COMPLIT 60ACPAC requirement for undergraduates, P/NP’d for throughput conservation.

List of Activities per Semester

A list of extracurricular activities per semester. Despite frequent participation, I don’t write a lot about teaching yet because (1) some events encourage me to keep teaching-side of career a bit less public, and (2) I don’t have that much teaching experience to write about yet.

SemesterActivity Name 
Spring 2022[teaching] Academic Intern @CS61A 
Spring 2022[teaching] Student Instructor @CSM16A 
Summer 2022[teaching] Private Tutor (CS61A) 
Fall 2022[teaching] Course Reader @EECS16A 
Fall 2022[education] Senior Content Writer @CSM16A 
Fall 2022[external] Data Science Discovery Program @Creative Commons 
Spring 2023[teaching] Course Reader @DATAC100 
Spring 2023[teaching] Leading Senior Content Writer @CSM16A 
Summer 2023[research] Research Intern @Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 
Fall 2023[research] Undergraduate Researcher @Robotics Learning Lab (BAIR) 
Fall 2023[research] Collaborator @Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 
Fall 2023[teaching] Course Coordinator @CSM16A 
Fall 2023[teaching] Undergraduate Student Insturctor (UCS2) @DATA C100 
Spring 2024[research] Undergraduate Researcher @Robotics Learning Lab (BAIR) 
Spring 2024[research] Collaborator @Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 
Spring 2024[teaching] Course Coordinator @CSM16A 
Spring 2024[teaching] Undergraduate Student Insturctor (UCS2) @DATA C100 
Summer 2024[research] Undergraduate Researcher @Robotics Learning Lab (BAIR) 
Summer 2024[research] Guest Affiliation @Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics 
Fall 2024[teaching] Undergraduate Student Insturctor (UCS2) @DATA C100 
Fall 2024[research] Undergraduate Researcher @Robotics Learning Lab (BAIR) 
Fall 2024[research] Guest Affiliation @Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics